Home 9 Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ’s For Our Cleaning Service

These are the most popular questions of from our customers.

When is the latest I cancel a service?

You must cancel at least 48 hours prior. If cancelled less than 48 hours before, a cancellation fee of $75 will be charged.

What if I need to reschedule?

We understand things come up last minute. We require a minimum 24 hours notice if the cleaning day/time needs to be changed.

Do I need to have cleaning materials?

No, cleaning materials are provided by the company. If you require us to use your solutions, they must be safe to use.

Can refunds be issued?

No refund claims will be given once the cleaning service has been carried out. If for any reason the Client isn’t happy with any aspect they must notify the Company within 24 hours and this will be rectified.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes! If for any reason you aren’t happy with any areas that have been cleaned, we will come back and re-clean those areas free of charge. This guarantee will not apply if the condition of the premises has deteriorated since the original cleaning was done.

Are the cleanings standardized?

Yes, each of our cleaners has been provided with a checklist for the cleaning that needs to be completed. For special circumstances, those specifications have discussed before hand and will be completed accordingly.

Let's Connect

Reach out to Maci's Maids for all your cleaning service needs. Whether you have questions, need a quote, or want to schedule a service, our friendly team is here to assist you. Your path to a cleaner, more comfortable home begins with a simple message or call. We look forward to hearing from you!

Address:     Nashville, 1070 W Main St, Hendersonville, TN 37075

Hours:         Monday-Sunday 7AM-7PM

Contacts:   +1 615-703-2795


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